Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Hair Regimine

     Last night I washed and re-twisted my hair, and let me just say nothing feels as good as freshly done hair. In this post I'm going to break down my routine.
         First I was my hair with T/gel shampoo by neutrogena. This shampoo is far from natural but it does wonders for my scalp. I have eczema which gives me a lot of scalp issues and this is one of the better shampoos I've used that helps.
     Normally after shampooing I would deep condition but since my hair isn't completely locked I skipped this step to avoid any extra unraveling.
     Next I moisturize with my shea mixture (it contains olive oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil and tea tree oil). I massage this into my scalp and lightly coat my locks with it. Now its ready to re-twist.      
     My locks being started locks, I use the palm roll method. And I use eco styler gel for hold. I put a little of the eco styler gel on my finger tips, apply it to the full twist, then palm roll. This twist any new growth as well as tames any frizz. Once I finish palm rolling, I pin it down with a clip and move on to the next.
     Once my full head is twisted I sit under a drier for as long as it takes for the hair to completely dry. I remove the clips and style.

My products..

After being washed..

Finished product..

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